2024 marks the 20th Anniversary of the opening of Chestergates Veterinary Specialists. Founded in 2004 by Geoff and Judith Skerritt, they created a centre of excellence for neurology and neurosurgery. Geoff, together with Mike Targett, were pioneers in the development of treatments for conditions like syringomyelia. The clinic grew to include other disciplines, such as ophthalmology, and their legacy remains. Chestergates Veterinary Specialists deliver the very best in current neurology and neurosurgery techniques. Our neurologists work together with clinicians in a variety of disciplines, including medicine, cardiology, ophthalmology, soft tissue surgery, anaesthesia and orthopaedics.

Cardiologists involved with ground-breaking research to develop new diagnostic tests for dogs and cats with heart disease
Our two cardiologists, Liz Bode and Mattia Basili, have been involved in a recent publication looking at the use of new technology to help diagnose...