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Free CPD Event: ChesterGates 20th Anniversary

1st May 2024

ChesterGates is celebrating our 20th anniversary and we would love for you to join us on this special day! Please register your interest a.s.a.p. – places are limited and we would hate for you to miss out. Registration closes on 7th of May, at 7PM.


What to expect:

VIP ‘founders’ of veterinary neurology will give talk (CPD) on the history of the discipline. ChesterGates specialists will share recent extraordinary case studies and give insights on future advances and will be on hand to chat. We will also take you on a tour of the state-of-the art facilities at ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists. And of course there will be brunch and refreshments throughout the day.



Saturday 18th of May 2024

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM



CH1 6LT – Click for map and directions


We have, indeed, a lot planned for the day! Curious? – Find out more by clicking the link below and register your spot by filling the form on the new page.

View Event Details and Register

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Important information

We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.