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Total Hip Replacement

Total Hip Replacement

At ChesterGates, one of our key strengths and experience is in hip replacement in dogs.

Total Hip Replacement (THR) requires a high level of training and skill, as well as first-rate operating facilities and anaesthesia services. Our imaging and operating facilities were all renewed in 2017 and we have Specialist Veterinary Anaesthetists to optimise the safety of our patients during these procedures.

THR is indicated when other forms of management for joint pain (eg pain relief) have failed. It is important to discuss the option of hip replacement carefully with one of our surgeons and to explore the efficacy and safety of the various procedures. Like you, we want to make the best decision for your pet, and sometimes that might mean that hip replacement is not the correct choice. So, our initial job is to inform you and guide you through the decision-making process.

the team

Dave Thomson

Dave Thomson

Head of Surgery

Marko Stejskal

Diplomate ACVS, Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Important information

We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.