Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy

Our Chartered Physiotherapist works closely with our surgical teams to ensure your pet has the best possible recovery.

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ChesterGates Rehabilitation Department is run by Laura Easton who is a highly experienced Chartered Physiotherapist and Veterinary Physiotherapist. Laura is a member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy (ACPAT).

Your pet will be able to take advantage of the extensive facilities under the direction of an experienced and fully qualified professional.

We offer the full range of rehabilitation from increased fitness for the agility dog to long term programmes of activity for the older arthritic pet.

Post-operative rehabilitation and care is a key part of the work for Laura alongside conservative management of joint and soft tissue problems.


ChesterGates has a purpose built hydrotherapy suite which includes a water treadmill.

Hydrotherapy can help:

  • Post orthopaedic surgery and post spinal surgery – Exercising on a water treadmill is excellent for these patients as it allows controlled activity to take place in a supported environment. The dog will use the treadmill with or without facilitation by the physiotherapist who will ensure correct limb placement is achieved and weight bearing is maximised without causing trauma.
  • Orthopaedic conditions – Non-surgical treatment can often be of value for cruciate tears, hip or elbow dysplasia and many other muscle or joint problems. Hydrotherapy can increase muscle tone and strengthens tissues so further deterioration of muscle and joints is reduced.
  • Muscle atrophy – After surgery or an injury the lack of activity can allow muscles to waste away. Hydrotherapy can start to rebuild muscle mass in as little as 3-4 sessions along with a dry land exercise programme. Ligaments, tendons and muscles stretch out of their contracted state while they are moving in a reduced or non-weight bearing environment. Pre-surgery exercise can also maximise muscle development which will help post-surgical recovery.
  • Obesity – Utilising the water treadmill is a safe aerobic exercise that burns calories and maintains your dog’s proper weight. Exercise is an important part of every weight reduction programme and the water treadmill is particularly useful for the obese dog with chronic arthritis when normal exercise is difficult. Losing excess pounds and beginning an exercise programme may add years to your animal’s life.
  • Show Dogs – Exercising in the water treadmill helps balance movement, improves muscle tone and removes excess weight. Dry treadmill activity can also be used for this which is also available at ChesterGates.
  • Performance or Working Dogs – These athletes need to be in tip-top condition and the water treadmill can add that extra degree of stamina and muscle length needed to make the winning difference. Whether your dog does agility, obedience, flyball, freestyle or weight pulling, hydrotherapy gives them a fun way of keeping in top physical condition.

The Team

Services we offer

At ChesterGates we offer a wide range of specialist-led services to provide the highest level of care available.

Anaesthesia and Analgesia Icon

Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Cardiology Icon


Diagnostic Imaging Icon

Diagnostic Imaging

Surgery Icon

Soft Tissue Surgery

Internal Medicine Icon

Internal Medicine

Neurology and Neurosurgery Icon

Neurology and Neurosurgery

Physiotherapy icon

Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy

Ophthalmology Icon


Orthopaedics Icon


Internal radiology icon

Interventional Radiology

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