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Clare Fletcher

Reception Team Leader
  • Certificate in Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support
  • Level 3 Customer Service Specialist

Claire came back to the UK in 2012 after teaching English as a foreign language for a School in Greece. On her return, she started working as a receptionist for the Out of hours service of a weekend and joined Chestergates referrals full time 2 years later.

Being part of the client care team means her role is to ensure clients are received a warm welcome, helped and supported throughout the referral process. “I can honestly say I love my job for the fact that no two days are the same and feel very lucky to work in such a friendly environment amongst great colleagues”.

In 2018 Claire completed the Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support to become a Bereavement Support Adviser and then in 2020 she qualified as a Level 3 Customer Service Specialist.

When not at work, she enjoy going to wellbeing classes and taking her little cockapoo called Lilly on long walks. She likes to travel and spends most of her holidays in Greece visiting friends and family.

Important information

We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.