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Ffion Lloyd

EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia and RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
  • BVSc
  • DipECVAA

Ffion graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2015. After 2 years in general practice in North Wales, she began a rotating internship at Northwest Veterinary Specialists, before returning to the University of Liverpool Small Animal Teaching Hospital as an anaesthesia intern. In 2019, she undertook a combined ECVAA residency in anaesthesia and Masters in Veterinary Research at the University of Glasgow. Her clinical interests include cardiovascular and respiratory pathophysiology, local anaesthetic techniques and mechanical ventilation. Ffion joined the ChesterGates team in September 2023.

Having grown up in the North West area, she is enjoying being able to spend time with family and friends – when she’s not doing this, you’ll find her running (slowly)!


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