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News & Events

Latest news & events


Dog with Leishmaniasis rescued from Cyprus treated by our internal medicine service

Bramble, a lovely dog rescued from Cyprus, was referred by Vetcare at Home to our…

11th July 2024

Paralysed dog walks again with pioneering 3D-printed spine

[caption id="attachment_3047" align="alignright" width="461"] Natalie Jones with Arthur her Cockapoo[/caption] A beloved family dog has…

12th June 2024

Free CPD Event: ChesterGates 20th Anniversary

ChesterGates is celebrating our 20th anniversary and we would love for you to join us…

1st May 2024

Free CPD Event: Cruciate Disease and Front Limb Lameness

The first CPD of our new monthly in-house series has now officially begun! When: Wednesday…

3rd January 2024

Cat Given New Lease of Life After Being Able to Breathe Again

The lovely Tueli was referred to our internal medicine service, and was seen by specialist…

4th December 2023

Beloved pet back on all paws

A much loved French bulldog who lost the ability to walk is now back on…

22nd November 2023
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Important information

We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.