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Veterinary surgeon looking through a microscope



We have a dedicated endoscopy suite with a Stortz endoscopy videosystem allowing examination of the oesophagous, oesophageal or gastric foreign body removal, PEG tube placement for management of megaoesophagous, oesophageal injury or dysfunction, dilation or oesophageal or colonic strictures as well as gastric small and large intestinal examination and biopsy.


For investigation of sneezing and nasal discharge with biopsy, foreign body removal and treatment of nasal aspergillosis.



For examination of the trachea and airways. Bronchoalveolar lavage for investigation of coughing, tracheal collapse, lung disease and foreign body retrieval.



For examination of the urethra, bladder and urethral openings for investigations of lower urinary tract disease including incontinence, dysuria and recurrent cystitis.


Important information

We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.