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Artur Urbanik

Referral clinician in diagnostic imaging
  • DVM
  • CertAVP
  • PGCert

Artur graduated from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2019, where he also worked as an MRI/CT radiographer. After obtaining his DVM diploma he moved to the UK to develop further his passion for small animal diagnostic imaging. Since then, he has worked in general practice, advanced practitioner-led referrals, and specialist-led hospitals. Artur is a part of Advanced Clinical Service Network (ACSN), a subdivision of CVS, providing peripatetic services, support and advice for practices in the northwest of England. He has a CertAVP postgraduate diploma with certificates in diagnostic imaging and small animal medicine. He is currently enrolled at the University of Liverpool for a Master in Veterinary Professional Studies with a thesis about contrast enhancements in computed tomography angiography. He has a keen interest in neuroimaging, computed tomography angiography and diagnostic imaging in oncology and gastroenterology.

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