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CPD Events

20th Celebrations CPD Day

17th September 2024

When: Thursday 5th December

Where: Chester Zoo


Come and join Chestergates Veterinary Specialists for a day of free CPD at Chester Zoo where we will be discussing management of the polytrauma case. The day will form part of our 20th Anniversary Celebrations with special guests, Judith Skerritt and Mike Targett. You will have the opportunity to meet our current team who will be appearing throughout the day and we will conclude with a panel discussion. During the lunch break there will be some time to explore Chester Zoo. All for this for FREE! This event will be suitable for both vets and nurses in primary care or OOH practice.


20th Celebrations CPD day itinerary


Secure your place now by completing the registration form

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We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.