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Anaesthesia & Analgesia

Anaesthesia & Analgesia

The anaesthesia team are assisted by an excellent team of qualified veterinary nurses who help to monitor anaesthetised patients and also help in the provision of pre-operative and post-operative monitoring and patient care. We also have a fully qualified Chartered Physiotherapist (ACPAT member) who provides help with the post-operative mobilisation and rehabilitation of some of our patients, particularly those suffering from spinal or orthopaedic problems

At ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists we believe that a specialist anaesthesia and analgesia service is vital for the well-being of all our patients. The role of the specialist anaesthetist involves providing individualised perioperative care for every patient. This entails several over-lapping phases: performing a detailed pre-operative evaluation of the health status of each pet and providing appropriate prehabilitation, analgesia and supportive care where necessary; ensuring optimised anaesthetic and analgesic protocols for surgery or diagnostic work-ups; delivering patient-focused post-operative care in the recovery and rehabilitation periods, which may include elements of nutrition, fluid therapy and pain control. At all times, each patient’s comfort and welfare is our primary concern. Patients at ChesterGates benefit from 24/7 care provided by both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses.

We stock a wide range of sedative, anaesthetic, analgesic and emergency drugs. In addition to all the standard intravenous fluids, we can also provide albumin and blood products. We have sophisticated monitoring equipment (ECG, pulse oximetry, capnography, direct and indirect arterial blood pressure, continuous temperature, end tidal anaesthetic agent monitoring, blood gas and electrolyte analysis) available for all our cases; and MRI-compatible pulse oximetry and non-invasive blood pressure for patients undergoing magnetic-resonance imaging. Electronic fluid pumps and syringe drivers are used for all fluid and drug infusions and, when required, for providing parenteral and some forms of enteral nutrition. Our in-house laboratory offers the ability to perform routine haematology and biochemistry, coagulation tests, blood typing and cross-matching, blood gas and electrolyte analysis and lactate measurement.

the team

Luís Filipe Louro

EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia and RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Giulia Lidavet

Giulia Marchionne

Clinician in Anaesthesia

Ffion Lloyd

Referral Clinician in Anaesthesia

Important information

We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.