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Diagnostic Imaging

Diagnostic Imaging

ChesterGates has numerous diagnostic aides available to be able to make an assessment on the patients condition, this includes a High-field 1.5Tesla MRI scanner, 16-slice CT scanner, fully digital X-ray suite, Fluoroscopy, GE Logiq S8 ultrasound machine.

Arthroscopy with three sizes of arthroscope to suit a large range of patient size from small dogs up to giant breeds.

Endoscopy suite consists of a fully comprehensive set of Storz fibre- and videoendoscopes for gastrointestinal, bronchoscopy, rhinoscopy and cystoscopy procedures’.


the team

Pablo Menéndez Alegria

Head of Diagnostic Imaging

Linda Griffiths


Joanne Seagrave


Michaela Sojak

Junior Clinical in Diagnostic Imaging

Important information

We are currently experiencing issues with our forms. We are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. For urgent requests, please call us.