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New feline radioiodine centre

5th January 2019

ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists has launched a new feline radioiodine centre – a first for the North West region – in order to provide the current gold standard treatment for feline hyperthyroidism.

The radioiodine facility is the last phase of remodelling of ChesterGates’ facilities and has already successfully treated a number of hyperthyroid cats with the number of referrals rapidly growing.

How are cats assessed?

Cats are assessed on an individual basis to ensure that radioiodine is their most appropriate treatment option. This assessment involves a consultation to discuss all aspects of the treatment, as well as any required diagnostics not already performed prior to referral.

What is does radioiodine treatment include?

Approximately 95 percent of cats are cured after a single injection of radioiodine, and no further treatment is required. Unlike surgical removal of the thyroid gland, there is no risk of damage to the parathyroid gland, causing subsequent low calcium levels which can be life threatening.

Following treatment, cats are hospitalised for two weeks in order for the radioactivity to diminish to safe levels for pet owners to resume contact with their pet.

Our facilities

The new centre within the hospital, includes a purpose-built radioiodine cat ward, complete with spacious kennels designed for long stay patients, shelves to perch on or hide underneath, comfortable beds, tempting toys, and plenty of natural light.

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